Hello World!

I'm Spamix

About Me

I'm a programmer and music producer
from Sweden currently programming in python.

Currently im working on some projects such as;

Some rices!
The picture is actually my first rice that I made!
The WM is i3-wm, the bars are polybar and the OS is EndeavourOS.

Rice List! My First Rice!

Openclick is a cross-platform autoclicker completely written in
python. The full version is currently available for
Debian/Ubuntu based distros and Arch-linux based distros.

The module version is available for Debian/Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Windows.

Openclick (GitHub)

Hashzam is an open source hash tool thats written in
python. It's a project I created to test making an AUR package!

You can install it from the AUR.
The package is called hashzam-git.

Hashzam-git (GitHub) hashzam-git (AUR)

My Socials


SpamixOfficial 2023